{Shirt: Eddie Bauer Army Shirt: Urban Outfitters Jeans: The Gap Shoes: Converse Earrings: Nectar Bracelet: Nordstrom} |
Decided to mix my hair style up a bit today. Normally I am pretty lazy with my hair. I just shower and let it air dry. Sometimes, if I am feeling fancy, I will curl it, but it all depends on how much I sleep-in that morning, which is usually too much. I love the way these Heidi braids look with the ombre dye. I really should keep mixing it up with braided hairstyles (if my clumsy fingers can manage it).
On a more serious note, the Defense of the Marriage Act was struck down in California, which is pretty exciting. However, the supreme court also voted that they did not have the right to decide the constitutionality of Proposition 8. Baby steps I suppose. One foot forward, one foot back. A small victory over here in Seattle will be taking place at the next Mariner's game. They will be flying a gay marriage flag at the game, and will be the first Major League Baseball team to do so. This is all just in time for the gay pride parade here in Seattle! Exciting times.
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